Naukasana or Boat pose

what is the meaning of naukasana or boat pose?

  • Naukasan which we also know by the name of ‘bot Pose’ . It is one such yoga by doing which various types of physical and mental benefits are obtained. It is through Mudra that it strengthens the muscles of the body and keeps them healthy. These are beneficial such as improving the balance of muscles and improving their overall well-being. The practice of Boat Pose is not just about physical strength but it is a way to complete life’s journey with balance and stability amidst life’s many challenges and upheavals.
  • In this blog, we will learn in detail about the origin of Naukasana, the step-by-step method of doing it correctly, the benefits of practicing Naukasana and the precautions to be taken while doing this practice and along with this we will also discuss the culture. do. And will add spiritual aspects.

where did naukasana or boat pose originate from?

  • Naukasana, as the name suggests, is a boat-like posture, ‘Naukasana’ is made up of the words Nauka + Asana, in which Nauka means boat and Asana means posture and this exercise is done in the last position. The body become like a boat, hence it is called Naukasana. Here too, like other asanas, this asana is ancient. Its origin comes from the early texts of yoga like Yoga Pradipika and Gheranda Samhita. These texts were written centuries ago, which act as the foundation of various yoga.

what is the Method of doing Naukasana or boat pose (step by step) ?

naukasana or boat pose
  • Starting posture:- Lie on your back. Bring your legs together. Keep both hands parallel to the body and palms on the ground.
  • Coming into Naukasana posture (lifting the body upward) :- While continuing the breathing process, raise the chest and legs together above the ground. Keep your hands straight and try to reach the feet till the toes. After coming into v-shape with your body, maintain balance on the sitting bones.
  • maintaining naukasana posture :- Keep your eyes focused on your toes and keep your torso straight. Engage your abdominal muscles to support all of your lower abdominals. Stay in this pose for as long as is comfortable and gradually increase the time with practice.
  • Coming out of Naukasana pose :- Exhale and slowly lower your chest and legs back to the ground. Relax in supine position for a moment while observing any changes in your body.

what are the benefits of naukasana or boat pose?

Benefits of doing Naukasana:

  • Improves digestion:- To improve digestion, this yoga asana stimulates the digestive organs, improves the digestive system and reduces all the problems related to the digestive system.
  • Balance and stability:- Regular practice of this posture brings balance and stability in the body and promotes coordination and awareness in the body.
  • Helpful in strengthening the hip flexors:- Boat pose strengthens the hip flexors and makes the hip flexors flexible.
  • In reducing belly fat:- Asana is very useful for people whose stomach is protruding, it helps the stomach gradually come back to its normal position. Women whose stomach has become loose after pregnancy find that by practicing this asana, this complaint gradually goes away.
  • Stimulates the kidneys:- Boat pose stimulates the kidneys, which helps the kidneys function well and benefits physical health. It is beneficial in kidney related diseases like controlling kidney creatinine and eliminating the problem of protein leakage from the kidney.
  • To get relief from mental and physical problems:- Naukasana i.e. Boat Pose proves to be very effective in promoting physical balance and mental focus. Through this posture we can concentrate our knowledge and keep the body in a balanced state.

What are the common mistakes made while doing boat pose naukasana?

Common mistakes while doing Naukasana/Boat Asana and ways to avoid them :-

  • Mistake 1:- Shrinking the chest reduces the effect of the asana and is of no benefit to the body.
  • Improvement :- raise the chest, open the heart
  • Mistake 2:- Keeping the back bent while doing this yoga asana puts pressure on the lower back due to the curvature of the spine.
  • Improvement- To keep the spine straight and back straight, you can also take the support of your hands, for this you can place your hand on the lower back.
  • Mistake 3:– Inconsistent breathing patterns such as breath holding or shallow breathing can lead to imbalance
  • Improvement :- Keep the breathing steady and even during the entire asana, which can provide many benefits to our body.

In this way, by correcting other mistakes, many benefits can be achieved in the body

how can beginners start boat pose?

  • For first-time practitioners, the asana can be modified in the following ways:-
  • If it is difficult to keep the legs straight, you can bend the knees to further adjust the posture.
  • If it is difficult to spread the daughter-in-law, then you can support her by placing your hand near the hip.
  • If there is any problem in sitting straight, then this asana can be practiced by leaning against the wall.

which people should not do naukasana or boat pose?

Boat pose has many miraculous benefits for the body but it may not be suitable for everyone. Some people who are suffering from other physical and health conditions and others who are traveling with problems can do it easily or by doing it. Refrain from .
Following are some situations in which caution should be taken or board posing should be avoided altogether.

  • Recent abdominal surgery :- Those who have had any surgery, especially in the lower abdomen, should avoid naukasana or boat pose.
  • During pregnancy :- If a woman is pregnant then she should avoid doing this yoga.
  • Chronic Back Pain :- Individuals suffering from chronic lower back pain should perform this asana in consultation with a yoga practitioner or under the guidance of professional health care.
  • Neck problems :- People suffering from neck problems like cervical spine problems should avoid voting.
  • People suffering from high blood pressure :- People who are suffering from high blood pressure should do yoga only under the guidance of a doctor or yoga instructor, and should avoid doing yoga without consultation.

To do more beneficial yoga asanas  :- Click Now

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