downward facing dog pose / mountain pose

what does meaning of downward facing doge pose / mountain pose(parvatasana pose) ?

In yoga, Parvatasana usually means ‘mountain pose’ or ‘downward facing dog’, that is why our position is like this while doing this asana, hence its name has been kept on the basis of this position.

what is the method of doing downward facing dog position or mountain position (parvatasana pose) ?

o do this asana, first sit in Vajrasana. After that, he raised his hips and placed his hands on the ground in front of him and now he raised his legs upwards and kept his legs and spine straight and rested the palm of his hands and the heels of his feet on the ground. Take it and place your head between your hands. It’s simple, start as per your weight and physical strength and gradually increase the time as per your practice.

what are the benefits of doing downward dog position or mountain position (parvatasana pose) ?

By continuously doing Parvatasana and Downward Fencing Dog positions, there can be benefits in the following ways – is beneficial in reducing waist fat.
Beneficial in getting relief from pain in waist, 2.shoulder and neck,
3.To get flexibility in the spine,
4.To strengthen shoulders, 5.To help with leg problems,
6.Continuous exercise is beneficial for the lungs,
7.Plays an important role in balancing blood circulation.

who should avoid doing downward dog position or mountain position (parvatasana pose) ?

before doing this asana, make sure to point the day :- high blood pressure patients,
someone who has had major surgery,
If there is any major injury to the spine and shoulder, then first consult your doctor and only then do this.

People who have serious problems related to waist, knees, shoulders and heart should not do this asana

no matter what posture you do, definitely read this important point :-

Remember, no matter how easy/difficult yoga is, it should be done accordingly and one should not put wrong forces on the body while doing yoga. And always do yoga on an empty stomach. People who are doing yoga in the evening should do yoga after 4 to 5 hours of having food and should try to go once refreshed.

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